Image of two women smiling

There is a lot to be said about feeling your best. When you are feeling your best, you will feel confident, motivated, and happy and the outlook of your day will be very positive. Feeling great about yourself is so important and the most important benefit is to your mental health, which really matters

Feeling your best starts from the moment you wake up and get out of bed and in actual fact, there are a few things you can do within the first 15 minutes, to help you feel your best. You can enjoy a healthy breakfast, wear one of your favourite occasional dresses and wear your favourite perfume - it feels nice to smell great and you’ll have other people comment on how good you smell throughout the day. 

Below we have put together three ways to feel your best in less than 15 minutes.

Wear your favourite outfit

When you wake up and don’t have a lot of time, it can be tempting to wear the most casual outfit that you own, which may not compliment you but is very comfy. Instead, to feel your best, you have to dress your best. The night before, find an outfit that is going to make you feel incredible and have it ready, so that as soon as you get out of bed you can wear something fabulous and feel beautiful in it.

Enjoy a healthy breakfast

Your diet has a big say in how you feel day to day and the most important meal of the day is your breakfast. Positively start the day, with a healthy breakfast that is going to fuel you as you attack the morning. Enjoying something that is healthy but filling will help you feel more alert, healthy and better about yourself. Unhealthy foods don’t help your brain and can make you feel sluggish in the morning, making you not feel your best.

Spray your favourite perfume

When you smell great, you feel great! Smell is a powerful sense that we have and when we wear a nice perfume, we will find others around us complimenting it, which also feels great. So, in the morning put on your favourite outfit, eat something healthy, spray your favourite perfume and enjoy all the compliments you get. 

There are so many small things that you can start your day with and feel great in less than 15 minutes. The above three will help, but so will having a cold shower (there are a lot of benefits in a cold shower), smiling in the mirror when you get ready, and hydrating yourself with water, amongst many other things. 

What do you do in the morning to make yourself feel great within the first 15 minutes? Have you tried any of the above tips in our guide and which one works the best? Is there anything missing in our guide that you think we should be adding? Let us know in the comment box below. We look forward to hearing from you.

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