Making a list and checking it twice is very me... Yes we are on the other side of Christmas but I always like to have something written down to record what I need to do or achieve!
I don't make resolutions as such as I feel like they can have negative connotations sometimes and I ain't about that negative life! I want to feel empowered and inspired by my goals, not feel like they are an indirect jibe at myself for not doing something the year previously.
So here's my list of things I want to and will try to focus on in 2019;
Be More Kind - To MYSELF
Seems oh so simple, right? I guess it can be. I want to just commit to looking after myself better. Get back into the gym, eat right, worry less, get out into the fresh air and not sweating the small stuff. The odd face mask and pamper session will also be thrown into the mix too 😊
Put Blogging Back in the Front Seat
I seemed to take an unplanned break from blogging in 2018 which was a shame as it is a hobby that really does make me happy and I should absolutely be doing more of what I enjoy.
I got into a bit of a rut and became a bit disillusioned with the blogging world as it's hard to not be disheartened when you feel like you work hard on something and don't get included in opportunities which would be a perfect pairing! That said, you've got to be in it to win it and I definitely wasn't 'in it' consistently enough to win! I am going to *try* and work to a twice a week posting routine just to get back into the swing of things and see how I get on.
Don't Accept Sh!t.
I think that a lot of my stress in 2018 was trying to dance around awkward topics with people and trying not to offend. When I did perhaps try and communicate it sometimes did not come out as intended and then other times I didn't say anything and people took advantage. It can be tricky to try and strike the right balance!
For friends, I think I need to steer clear of conversations that are sensitive via text as it can be interpreted differently than intended. There are definitely occasions that warrant an assertive email when it comes to dealing with tradespeople or others who seem to assume that because you are a woman you won't stand up for yourself!
Spending time and effort on people who do not care to the same extent as you is just wasted energy in my opinion.
Grab Life By The BALLS
Last year I feel like I was a bit 'woe is me' and being brutally honest I had no one else to blame for this except myself. Sitting on my arse and feeling indignant about opportunities that passed me by really is not productive! I strongly believe in the sentiment of 'just say yes' - not to drugs or anything that's going to make me end up in jail, but just being open to new opportunities with new people and whilst I have made some progress in this domain I could definitely do more.
Moral of the story? Believe in yourself baby!!
Practice Proactive Gratitude
I think I have mentioned this before but if not - I was fortunate to be able to attend and am now a facilitator of a 'Resilience' course at work and one of the key learning points is that being able to practice gratitude can often make you a much more resilient person.
Finding the positive in a situation or at the very least not completely freaking out can really help you navigate the bumps in the road better and this all starts with a very simple task.
I bought myself a gratitude journal a few months back and I haven't used it consistently, I want to change this in 2019 as it's actually really great to look back over when you are having a bit of a down-day. It feels a bit weird at first as the things I am grateful for can be a little repetitive but I can definitely see how this will be beneficial to me.
So here's my aims and objectives of 2019, what are you focusing on?
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